Resolution Responses

The following resolutions were carried at the 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Beef Farmers of Ontario:

25-01 - The Protection of Livestock from Dogs Act

Therefore, be it resolved that BFO submit a request to the Minister responsible for Regulation 329/11 to remove the maximums altogether from the legislation and to explicitly permit fair market rates to be used in cases of Domestic Dog kills.

25-02 - Large Animal Veterinary Access

focuses on efforts to improve access to veterinarians throughout the whole province and identifies geographic areas of concern including but not limited to Northern Ontario and continue to work with veterinary and government partners to provide solutions.

25-03 - PAWS Act

Therefore, be it resolved that BFO continue to lobby to have a separate legislation for livestock written.

25-04 - Yield-Based Forage Insurance

Therefore, be it resolved that BFO work with OMAFA and Agricorp to move towards a self-reporting, yield-based hay insurance program that replicates the production insurance program already in place for other commodities such as corn, corn silage, wheat, beans etc.

25-05 - Wildlife Damage Compensation Program

Therefore, be it resolved that BFO work with the other General Farm Organizations on this file to make a request to the appropriate body (Province or Municipality) that investigators be covered under their insurance.

25-06 - CFIA Accountability

Therefore be it resolved that BFO work with CCA ensuring that CFIA is held accountable for the rules developed and enforced.

25-07 - Risk Management Program (RMP)

Therefore be it resolved that BFO keep RMP as a top priority – applying pressure in all lobbying efforts to ensure government realizes the significant economic spinoff that comes with a healthy beef sector.

25-08 - RMP Program Guidelines

Therefore be it resolved that BFO lobby to have an OTM over the maximum weight allowed in the RMP program if it grades AAA or Prime.

25-09 - Ontario Building Code

Therefore be it resolved that BFO work towards more reasonable building codes that are adapted to livestock and agricultural conditions.

25-10 - Provincial Abattoir Capacity and Wait Times

Therefore be it resolved that BFO lobby the Government for large scale funding assistance and training incentives to significantly increase operating capacities at small, medium and large-scale abattoirs as well as pursue new operating facilities where expansion is not feasible in order to address the current backlog.

Be it further resolves that BFO continue to put pressure on the provincial and federal governments to fast track the reopening process for the abattoir located at Joyceville Penitentiary.