
Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB)

Beef Farmers of Ontario is an active member of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB), a national, multi-stakeholder initiative developed to advance existing and new sustainability efforts within the industry. The CRSB is dedicated to connecting a network of local, regional and national leaders in the beef industry with a common vision and mission. Through leadership, science, multi-stakeholder engagement and collaboration, continuous improvement of sustainability of the Canadian beef value chain will be achieved and recognized.

Areas of Focus

  • Identify knowledge gaps for sustainability improvement.
  • Motivate the adoption of beneficial management practices that improve sustainability.
  • Support action-oriented sustainability initiatives with measurable outcomes.
  • Measure the progress made in sustainability.
  • Communicate science-based sustainability information to industry, other stakeholders and policy influencers.
  • Inform the development of regulation and policy that supports industry sustainability and competitiveness.
  • Communicate CRSB goals and outcomes achieved to non-industry stakeholders.
  • Work in conjunction with the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.

For more information on the CRSB, visit

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