

The Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO) develop policy and advocate for solutions on important issues that impact our membership. Below is a listing of current issues and supporting information.

Animal Health and Welfare

In this section, you will find BFO comments and submissions on topics related to animal health and welfare, including: animal diseases, the Animal Health Act, animal welfare, antibiotic use, feed regulations, transportation and trespassing.

Budget, Election & FPT Submissions

This section includes BFO comments and submissions related to budgets, elections, Federal-Provincial/Territorial issues, and COVID-19 economic recovery.

Business Risk Management Programs

In this section, you will find BFO comments and submissions on topics related to Business Risk Management programs, including crop production insurance, Financial Protection Program, Forage Production Insurance and, of course, the Risk Management Program (RMP).

Environment & Climate Change

This section includes BFO comments and submissions related to the environment and climate change. Topics include climate change, energy, environment, Environmental Bill of Rights, nutrient management, phosphorus loading, soil health, and waste reduction.

Financing Programs

This section includes BFO comments and submissions on the Advance Payments Program and Ontario Feeder Cattle Loan Guarantee Program.

Food & Food Safety

BFO comments and submissions in this section relate to food and food safety topics such as the Food Guide, Irradiation, Organic certification and SRM removal.

Fuel & Tax Policy

The comments and submissions in this section speak to topics related to the fuel and tax policy.

International Trade & Market Access

All of the BFO comments and submissions on international trade and market access can be found in this section.


This section includes BFO's comments and submissions as they relate to labour and workforce issues.

Land Use

This section contains all of the BFO comments and submissions related to land use and planning.

Meat Regulations & Enforcement

BFO comments and submissions related to meat regulations and enforcement can be found in this section.

Mental Health

This section includes BFO comments and submissions related to farmer mental health.

Rural & Northern Economic Development

Comments and submissions from BFO with regard to rural and northern economic development can be found in this section.

Species at Risk

BFO comments and submissions related to species at risk, specifically the Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark, Algonquin Wolf, and the Safe Harbour and Endangered Species Act, can be found in this section.


BFO's comments on sustainability can be found here, in addition to information on BFO's relationship with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB).


This section includes all BFO comments and submissions related to traceability.

Wildlife & Predation

BFO comments and submissions related to wildlife and predation can be found in this section.

Young Farmers

Submissions made by BFO with respect to Young Farmers can be found in this section.