2024 Ontario Fall Sales A-Z

2024 Fall Stocker & Bred Cow Sales

Aylmer Stockyards Inc

Barn: 519-765-2672
Jim Doan - Cell: 519-777-9389
Mike Vannoord - Cell: 519-808-0904
Email: info@aylmerstockyards.ca
Website: www.aylmerstockyards.ca

Regular sales every Wednesday @ 12:00 pm.

Fall Stocker sales will be held the last Wednesday of each month.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Aug 28 12:00 pm Aylmer   Special Stocker Sale
Sep 25 12:00 pm Aylmer   Special Stocker Sale
Oct 30 12:00 pm Aylmer   Special Stocker Sale
Nov 27 12:00 pm Aylmer   Special Stocker Sale

Brussels Livestock

Barn: 519-887-6461
Mark Ferraro - Cell: 519-492-0181
Matt Ferraro - Cell: 519-313-0583
Email: info@brusselslivestock.ca
Website: www.brusselslivestock.ca

Regular stocker sales every Friday at 10:00 am.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Oct 11 10:00 am Brussels   Simmental Influence Calf Sale
Oct 25 10:00 am Brussels   Charolais Influence Calf Sale
Nov 8 10:00 am Brussels   Angus/Hereford Influence Calf Sale

Cargill Auction Market Inc.

Sales Barn: 519-366-2214
Alan Anstett: 519-881-6640
Calvin Anstett: 519-881-6623
Email: cargillauction@gmail.com

Regular sales every Wednesday @ 7 pm - Stockers and Feeders.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sept 6 7:00 pm Cargill   Charolais & Exotic Cross Yearlings
Sept 27 7:00 pm Cargill   Charolais & Exotic Cross Yearlings
Oct 4 7:00 pm Cargill   Charolais & Exotic Cross Yearlings
Oct 25 7:00 pm Cargill   Local Calf Sale
Nov 1 7:00 pm Cargill   Local Calf & Yearling Sale

David Carson Farms & Auction Services

Auction Market: 519-291-2049
David Carson: 519-291-8252
Email: info@davidcarson.on.ca
Website: www.davidcarson.on.ca

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Oct 28 1:00 pm Listowel   Fall Stocker Sale- All preconditioned, age verified, bunk adjusted, various breeds. Live video day of sale at www.davidcarson.on.ca. See web site early October for a list of consigned stockers.

Community Livestock Exchange

Hoard's Station Sale Barn: 705-653-3660
Dave Denure: 705-653-3660
Brad Denure: 705-653-8763
Website: www.hoardsstationsalebarn.com

Quinte Cattlemen's Association Sales Only
Denton Meiklejohn: 613-395-2008
Email: dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca

Regular sales every Tuesday @ 12 noon.

Stay connected with the Northern Cattle Sales Network on Facebook. View cattle on offer at upcoming sales or post pictures or descriptions of your own cattle that will be on sale at upcoming auction sales, free! Click on the Facebook link above to get started! Have questions or need assistance email Mark Leahy at: mjleahy@bell.net.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sept 13 11:00 am Campbellford 600

Mixed Sale, Vaccination Preferred, Catalogued, Farm Fresh- Sponsored by Quinte Cattlemens Association.

 As of Tuesday morning, Sept. 10, there have been approximately 590 cattle consigned with

the expectation that our numbers could reach the range of 700 by sale time.
This is a "vaccinations preferred" sale but , at present all consignments have been vaccinated
with a modified live vaccine program plus a solid 1/3 of the cattle have been double moved as 
well.  Char/ CharX represents the largest breed influence but there is a significant number of
Simm, Limo, and B. Angus influence cattle as well. The offering is strong in the 800 lb. + weight 
range though there is a significant number of calves in the 400 - 750 lb. range as well.
   All cattle consigned to date have had modified live vaccinations often accompanied by
added value Pasteurella, Blackleg, and parasite control.  Many consignors are prepared to
guarantee their heifers to be open.  At present, approximately 80% of the total offering
number comes from large single owner lots ranging from 30 to 150 which should result
in more large ring lots.  See the list of "Feature One Owner Lots" listed below.
                                         FEATURE ONE OWNER LOTS
[i]150 double moved steers in the 1000 lb. weight range - Char/CharX is largest breed
influence but other breeds as well - all properly vaccinated and guaranteed to be properly 
steered - bunk adjusted and fed corn silage, wrapped hay and distillers by TMR - there
will be large ring lots of uniform fancy cattle -
[ii]100 [60 steers, 40 heifers] CharX cattle in the 800 - 900 lb. weight range from a live vaccinated 
cowherd - vaccinated with live 5-way +Pasteurella, Blackleg, and parasite control on May 7 -
heifers given estrumate and dexamethazone on May 7 and guaranteed open and steers calicrate
banded on May 10 - bunk adjusted and fed balage, dry hay and corn silage by TMR -
[iii] 70-80 [more steers than heifers] Limo/Char cattle in the 800 lb. weight range from a long
term live vaccinated cowherd -vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and given parasite
control in Nov., and again in Jan. and April -heifers are guaranteed to be open and steers were
castrated surgically - fed balage and cracked corn -
[iv]55 LimoX calves [approx 50/50 heifers and steers] in the 500 - 650 lb. range
 from a live vaccinated cowherd - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and 
parasite control at grass time and again Aug. 2 - steers banded at birth - sired by high performance 
purebred sires - F/C salt/mineral and familiar with 2nd cut wrapped hay and dairy ration -
[v]50 [26steers, 24 heifers] SimmX and CharX calves in the 400 - 600 lb. range from a vaccinated
cowherd -steers castrated at birth - weaned Aug 20 - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella,
Blackleg and parasite control on Aug. 20 - fed dry 2nd cut hay, 15 % pellets and corn distillers-
[vi]30 double moved Xbred heifers in the 800 lb. range -guaranteed open and vaccinated
with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg/Somnus on August 28- on pasture -
   For any questions please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660 or email
daveyd@xplornet.com] or Brad DeNure [705 653 8763 or braddenure@gmail.com] or
Denton Meiklejohn [613 395 2008 or fax 613 395 0028 or email dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca].
Oct 25 11:00 am Campbellford 700

100% Vaccinated & Catalogued, Farm Fresh- Sponsored by Quinte Cattlemens Association. 

 As of Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 22,  the consigned number for our sale on Oct. 25
is slightly above 500 with the expectation that our offering will reach 600+ by sale
time. Presently there is a fairly even split between calves in the 450 - 750 lb. range
 and heavier animals in the 800 - 950 lb. range.  There is a large number of double
moved cattle [mostly heifers] in the heavier weight range.[See "Feature Lots" below.] 
 In this "all vaccinated" sale there is considerable added value immunization for Blackleg,
Pasteurella, and parasite control.  Many consignors are prepared to guarantee heifers
to be open.  Charolais is the most prominent breed influence though Angus, Simmental,
and Limousin influence is significant, also.
                                     FEATURE ONE OWNER  LOTS
[i]Approximately 150 double moved heifers in the 900 lb.+/- weight range- all properly
vaccinated with a live vaccine and guaranteed to be open- some are coming off pasture
and others have been fed by TMR in feedlot- Char/CharX is the most prominent
breed influence, followed by blacks - will sell in large uniform ring lots - 
[ii]35 double moved heifers in the 800 - 850 lb. weight range - most are Char influence-
all are guaranteed to be open - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg
in May and given parasite control in May and July - coming off pasture and being fed
dry hay-
[iii]30 CharX [20 steers, 10 heifers]] calves in the 550 - 600 lb. weight range from a
vaccinated cowherd - calves vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and given
parasite control on Sept. 28 - heifers are guaranteed to be open and steers were
banded at birth - on pasture and fed dry hay, balage, green chop and a bit of grain-
For further information, please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660 or
email davyd@xplornet.com] or Brad DeNure [705 653 8763 or email braddenure@gmail.com]
or Denton Meiklejohn [613 395 2008 or fax 613 395 0028 or email dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca].


Nov 22 11:00 am Campbellford 750

100% Vaccinated & Catalogued, Farm Fresh- Sponsored by Quinte Cattlemens Association.

  As of Tuesday, Nov 19 at noon the consigned numbers for the sale are approximately 650
with the expectation of reaching close to 800 by sale time.  In this 'all vaccinated" sale, Char
CharX represents the largest breed influence with Angus, Simm, Limo, Hereford, and Maine
being significant, also.  The offering has representation from 4-weight to 10-weight with almost
100% vaccinated with modified live, often with added value immunizations for Pasteurella,
Blockleg, Somnus, and parasite control.  Many consignors are prepared to guarantee their
heifers to be open.  There is a large group of double moved cattle and a significant percentage
of the offering is comprised larger feature one owner lots [see below].
                                                 "FEATURE ONE-OWNER LOTS"
[i]85 Char [approx 32 heifers, 53 steers] in the 650 -700 lb. weight range from a longterm live
vaccinated cowherd - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and parasite control
on Apr. 24 and again on Oct. 9 - heifers are guaranteed to be open and steers have been castrated
surgically - weaned on Aug.13, and fed dry hay, wrapped hay, corn silage, and a bit of grain -
[ii]Approx 75 [50 steers, 25 heifers approx] double moved fully vaccinated fancy Xbred cattle - 
steers in 1000 lb. weight range and guaranteed to be properly steered - heifers [9-weights approx]
are all guaranteed to be open- all bunk adjusted and fed by TMR-  both groups will sort into good 
uniform ring lots -
[iii]55 Char/CharX [23 heifers, 32 steers] calves in the 500-600 lb. weight range -all Age Verified and
VBP+ Certified from a vaccinated cowherd - many of the calves are out of bulls sire by Milestone,
Smokester and Game Changer - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Parasite control
on Oct. 4 and given Calf Guard and SelE at birth- steers were banded at birth -started on dry hay,
wrapped hay,, and corn silage on Oct. 19 - see pic below for this group-
[iv]33[ mostly black] Limo/AngusX in the 550 lb.. weight range from a longterm live vaccinated cowherd-
vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg on June 8 and again on Oct. 10 -
Age Verified [born Mar.- June] -steers castrated surgically Oct. 10 - creep fed 15% pellets and
wrapped hay -
[v]30 Char heifers and steers in the 450 - 600 lb. weight range from a longterm live vaccinated
cowherd - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg/Somnus in May and again
in October - parasite control in October -heifers are guaranteed to be open and steers have been
surgically castrated or pinched in the spring by a vet- creep feed has been available -
[vi]30 [13 heifers, 17 steers] Here/CharX calves in the 500 -600 lb. range from a vaccinated cowherd
 - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and parasite control on Oct 25 -steers were 
banded or pinched as young calves -  weaned and being fed hay and a bit of grain-
   For further information, please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660 or email
daveyd@xplornet,com] or Brad DeNure [705 653 8763 or email braddenure@gmail.com] or
Denton Meiklejohn [613 395 2008 or fax 613 395 0028 or email dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca].
Jan 24, 2025 11:00 Campbellford 800

100% Vaccinated & Catalogued, Farm Fresh- Sponsored by Quinte Cattlemens Association.


   At present the committed consigned numbers for the Jan, 24 Quinte Stocker Sale are just
slightly above 725 with the likelihood that our total will reach 850 - 900 by sale time.
This is a vaccinated sale which will have an offering of excellent quality.  The vast majority
of the cattle have received a modified live vaccine with frequent added value immunizations
for Pasteurella, Blackleg, [sometimes including Somnus] and parasite control.  The dominant
breed influences in the sale are Char/CharX and Angus/AngusX [both black and red] with 
significant Limo and Simm presence, as well.  There is a good distribution of weights from
450 through to 950/ 1000 lb.  Many consignors are prepared to guarantee their heifers to
be open and there is a significant number of double moved cattle.  Approximately half of the
offering total at present is made up of larger one owner lots of 30+  [described in 
more detail below] which should result in some larger ring lots.
                                                FEATURE ONE OWNER LOTS
[i]80 CharX heifers and steers in the 650 - 800 lb. range from a live vaccinated cowherd- 
vaccinated  in June with a live 5-way +Pasteurella, and Blackleg and a boost of the live
5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg + Somnus in Oct. - heifers are guaranteed to be open
 and steers have been castrated surgically - fed wrapped hay -
[ii]70 [ approx 40 steers, 30 heifers] Black Angus calves in the 650 - 750 lb. range -  vaccinated
with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and parasite control on Nov. 27 and parasite control
again on Dec. 27 - the heifers are guaranteed to be open, the steers have been castrated
surgically and the calves were all weaned on Dec. 10 - fed dry hay, wrapped hay, and 13%
pellets - calves were sired by high performance bulls -
[iii]47 [27 steers, 21 heifers] CharX calves in the 5 and 6 weight categories from a cowherd 
that has had a 12 year live vaccinated protocol - vaccinated with a live 5-way vaccine and
given parasite control on Oct. 26- steers were banded at birth and all calves were weaned
on Oct. 12 - fed wrapped hay, corn silage and given a taste of 15% Vintage pellets -
[iv]35 [18 steers, 17 heifers] Simm/Angus and Simm calves in the 650 - 700 lb. range from
a live vaccinated cowherd - vaccinatede with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg on 
May 27, and again on Jan. 9 - parasite control as well on Jan. 9 - heifers are guaranteed to 
be open and steers were banded at birth - fed wrapped hay, corn silage, 15% vintage
pellets and F/C salt and mineral - sired by high performance bulls -
[v]32 [24 steers, 8 heifers] Red Angus calves in the 6-700 lb. weight range from a vaccinated
cowherd - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg +Somnus, and general parasite 
control on Jan. 1 - steers got an additional lice control on Jan. 1 and heifers received it on 
Jan. 16 - steers were banded at birth and all were weaned on Dec. 27 - fed dry hay, mixed grain
and pellets -  sired by a high quality bull from original Lehman herd -
[vi]31 [17 steers, 14 heifers] Char/CharX  calves in the 500-700 lb. weight range - vaccinated with a
live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and given parasite control on Dec. 19 - heifers are guaranteed 
to be open, steers were castrated surgically, and all are weaned - fed dry hay, wrapped hay, corn
silage, Lean + pellets and F/C salt and mineral -
[vii]30 [20 steers, 10 heifers] CharX calves in the 500 -700 lb. weight range from a vaccinated 
cowherd - vaccinated for Blackleg in May and Oct. 12 -vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella
and given parasite control on Oct. 12 and again on Jan. 11.- steers were castrated surgically on
Oct. 12 and all were weaned on Nov. 2 - fed wrapped hay, 16% pellets and whole corn -
[viii]30 double moved heifers and steers in 900-1000 lb. weight range -  heifers are guaranteed to 
be open and steers are guaranteed to be properly castrated - all have been vaccinated with 
modified live vaccine - bunk adjusted and fed with TMR -
   For further information, please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660 or email
daveyd@xplornet.com] or Brad DeNure [705 653 8763 or email braddenure@gmail.com] or 
Denton Meiklejohn [613 395 2008 or fax 613 395 0028 or email dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca ].
Mar 14, 2025 11:00 am Campbellford 600

Vaccinations Preferred, Catalogued, Farm Fresh- Sponsored by Quinte Cattlemens Association.


As of Wednesday morning,  March 12, our consigned numbers for the March 14

Quinte Stocker Sale are just short of 400 with the expectation that they will reach
the range of 500 by sale time.  This is a "vaccinations preferred" sale but, at present,
all consigned cattle have been vaccinated.  Most frequently the modified live vaccines
have been accompanied by added value vaccinations for Pasteurella, Blackleg, and
parasite control. Charolais, Simmental, and Angus are the most common breed influences.
The weight distributions are mostly from 500 lb. - 1000 lb. range with larger feature lots
 [see below] at each end of that range and a fairly even distribution in between.  Many
consignors are guaranteeing heifers to be open.  There is a large block of double
moved cattle.
                                        Feature One Owner Lots
[i}Approximately 50 fancy Xbred steers in the 1000 lb. weight range with strong Simm
influence - live vaccinated and guaranteed to be properly castrated - bunk trained being
fed by TMR - will present in good sized uniform ring lots generally - all double moved-
{ii]Approximately 40 SimmX calves [more steers than heifers] in the 600 lb. weight
range from a vaccinated cowherd -vaccinated with a live 5way + Pasteurella and
Triangle 10, as well, on Oct. 16 - parasite control given on Oct. 16 and Feb. 1 -heifers
are guaranteed to be open and steers were double pinched by a vet on Oct. 16 -
weaned on Nov. 23 - fed F/C sorghum and F/C hay, a custom grain mix and F/C
salt and mineral -
For further information, please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660 or
email daveyd@xplornet.com] or Brad DeNure [705 653 8763 or email braddenure@gmail.com]
or Denton Meiklejohn [613 395 2008 or fax 613 395 0028 or email dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca].
May 2, 2025 11:00 am Campbellford 800

100% Vaccinated & Catalogued, Farm Fresh- Sponsored by Quinte Cattlemens Association.

Denfield Livestock Exchange Inc

Sale Barn: 519-666-1140
Email:  denfieldlivestockexchange@gmail.com
Website: https://denfieldlivestock.com/

Regular Sales every Tuesday @ 12:00 pm. 

Check our website for updates.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sep 21 11:00 am Denfield   Vaccinated Calves & Yearlings
Oct 5 11:00 am Denfield   Vaccinated Calves & Yearlings
Oct 19 11:00 am Denfield   Vaccinated Calves & Yearlings
Nov 2 11:00 am Denfield   Local Vaccinated Calf Sale
Nov 16 11:00 am Denfield   Bred Cow & Cow/Calf Pair Sale
Nov 23 11:00 am Denfield   Final Vaccinated Calf & Yearling Sale

Embrun Livestock Exchange Ltd.

Steve Spratt: 613-821-2634 or 613-822-1351
Email: ottawalivestock@bellnet.ca
Website: www.ottawalivestockexchange.ca

Regular Sales every Monday @ 12:30 am. Dates for special Stocker Sales and Bred Cow sales for the fall with be posted on their web site at www.ottawalivestock.ca or by calling the Auction Market at 613-821-2634. Updates will be posted here as they become available.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind

Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn Inc

Barn: 705-439-4444
Fax: 705-439-3145

Regular sales & Bred Cow sales contact:
Kevin Barker: 705-878-2947 or
Neil Woodrow: 905-404-4526
Email: klc@xplornet.com
Website: www.klcauction.ca

Peterborough/Victoria Sales contact:
Wayne Telford: 705-292-9531

Regular Sales Every Saturday @ 9 am.

Stay connected with the Northern Cattle Sales Network on Facebook. View cattle on offer at upcoming Peterborough/Victoria sales, or post pictures and descriptions of your own cattle that will be on sale at upcoming auction sales, free! Click on the Facebook link above to get started! Have questions or need assistance email Stella/Wayne Telford: stelford@live.ca.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Oct 2 10:00 am Woodville   Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn Calf & Yearling Sale
Oct 16 10:00 am Woodville   Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn Calf & Yearling Sale
Oct 26 12:00 pm Woodville   Special Stocker Sale- Included in Regular Sale
Nov 6 10:00 am Woodville 750

Peterborough County Cattlemen's/Victoria County Beef Producers - 100%Certified Calf Sale. Cattle from surrounding counties invited. To consign to this sale call Wayne Telford 705-292-9531

Nov 20 10:00 am Woodville 650

Peterborough County Cattlemen's/Victoria County Beef Producers - Calf & Yearling Sale. Cattle from surrounding counties invited. To consign to this sale call Wayne Telford 705-292-9531

Nov 27 7:00 pm Woodville   Bred Cow Sale- Herd Liquidation & various other consignments
Dec 4 10:00 am Woodville   Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn Stocker Sale  
Jan 29, 2025 10:00 am Woodville 500

Peterborough County Cattlemen's/Victoria County Beef Producers Stocker Sale. Cattle from surrounding counties invited. To consign to this sale call Wayne Telford 705-292-9531

May 7, 2025 10:00 am Woodville 750

Peterborough County Cattlemen's/Victoria County Beef Producers - Grass Cattle & Yearling Sale. Cattle from surrounding counties invited. To consign to this sale call Wayne Telford 705-292-9531

Keady Livestock Market Ltd

Sales Barn: 519-934-2339
Scott Kuhl: 519-477-2339
Garry Kuhl: 519-934-1628
Tom McNabb: 519-794-3072                                                                                                                                                                           Mike Klages: 519-379-4603

Website: www.keadylivestock.com

Regular Stocker sales every Tuesday at 9:00 am. All cattle are sold on an overnight stand and fully catalogued. Check website for further details. (Note Tues Oct 29, 2023 is not a regular sale due to the Calf Club Sale).

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sept 27 9:00 am Tara   Grass yearling Heifers & Steers- Selling ONS
Oct 4 9:00 am Tara   Grass yearling Heifers & Steers- Selling ONS
Oct 11 9:00 am Tara   Grass yearling Heifers & Steers- Selling ONS
Oct 26 9:00 am Tara   Bruce Peninsula Charolais Calf Producers Sale - Vaccinated & presorted calves according to Keady presort protocol.
Oct 29 9:00 am Tara   Georgian Bay Charolais Calf Producers Sale- Vaccinated & presorted calves according to Keady presort protocol.
Oct 31 9:00 am Tara   Bluewater Black Calf Producers Sale- Black & Red Calves - Vaccinated & presorted calves according to Keady presort protocol.
Nov 2 9:00 am Tara   Central Ontario Calf Producers Sale- All Breeds, Vaccinated according to Keady presort protocol & selling in owner lots.  
Nov 8 9:00 am Tara   Special Local Calf Sale- selling in owner lots, vaccinated and non vaccinated, fully catalogued.
Nov 15 9:00 am Tara   Special Grass & Yard Fed Yearlings- selling in owner lots, fully catalogued.
Nov 22 9:00 am Tara   Special Local Calf Sale- selling in owner lots, vaccinated and non vaccinated, fully catalogued
Nov 29 5:00 pm Tara   Special Bred Cow and Heifer Sale
Dec 6 5:00 pm Tara   Special Bred Cow and Heifer Sale

Listowel Livestock Ltd

G. Jackson: 519-291-2200

Regular Sales every Tuesday at 1:00 pm.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind

Maple Hill Auction Market

Cory Jacklin - Cell: 519-372-5539

Stocker sales bi-weekly on Monday's at 7:00 pm starting  in September  through the fall.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sept 31 5:00 pm Hanover   Autumn Angus Classic
Sept 14 1:00 pm Hanover   Ontario Autumn Simmental Classic
Sept 28 1:00 pm Hanover   Hereford Sale
Oct 5 1:00 pm Hanover   Maple Hill Youth Market Lamb Show & Sale
Oct 18 7:00 pm Hanover   "Upin the Ante" Charolais Female Sale
Oct 25 7:00 pm Hanover   Speckled Park Sale
Oct 28 7:00 pm Hanover   Local Vaccinated Calf Sale
Nov 9 1:00 pm Hanover   Top Cut Bred Heifer Sale
Nov 16 1:00 pm Hanover   Ontario Shorthorn Association Fall Classic
Dec 77777 1:00 pm Hanover   Eastern Showcase Limousin Sale

Ontario Livestock Exchange

Larry Witzel: 519-741-6333
David Ropp: 519-749-5072 or dropp@olex.on.ca
Allen Colwell: 519-501-0147
Or contact OLEX directly at 519-884-2082 or 1-800-265-8818
Website: www.olex.on.ca

Special Vaccinated Stocker Sales every Wednesday @1:00 pm. Regular Stocker sale every Thursday at 11:00 am. Bred Cow Sales- following regular stocker sales on Thursdays.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Oct 23 1:00 pm Waterloo   Special Angus Stocker sale in conjunction with regular stocker sale
Western Sales- Daily Internet Presort Sales and Direct From Ranch Sales. Call OLEX for details.
Western Sales - Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Provost, Lloyd Minster, Vermilion, Yorkton, Maple Creek, Meadow Lake, Prince Albert and Mankota.

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Office: 705-458-4000
Ab Carroll: 705-344-6654
Brian Pascoe: 705-878-6918
Email: osi.abcarroll@gmail.com
Website: www.ontariostockyards.on.ca

Follow us on our Facebook Page: Ontario Stockyards- for the weekly updates and market information!

***Regular weekly stocker and feeder sales held every Thursday at 11:00 am.***
All Thursday sales will start with the Vaccinated Cattle first. Bred Cow Sale to be announced.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sept 26 11:00 am Cookstown   Special Fall Yearling Sale in conjunction with the regular sale.
Oct 3 11:00 pm Cookstown   CDN. Angus Certification Program Sale/ CDN Hereford Association Sale -In conjunction with regular Thursday sale.
Oct 15 11:00 am Cookstown   Ontario Stockyards Special Fall Yearling Sale
Nov 5 11:00 am Cookstown   Ontario Stockyards Special All Vaccinated Calf Sale
Nov 21 11:00 am Cookstown   Ontario Stockyards Special All Vaccinated Calf Sale. In conjunction with regular Thursday sale.
Dec 5 11:00 am Cookstown   Special Fall Yearling Sale- in conjunction with regular Thursday sale
Dec 12 11:00 am Cookstown   Ontario Stockyards Special Vaccinated Calf Sale- in conjunction with regular sale

Ottawa Livestock Exchange Ltd.
(formerly Leo's Livestock Exchange)

Steve Spratt: 613-821-2634 or 613-822-1351
Email: ottawalivestock@bellnet.ca
Website: www.ottawalivestockexchange.ca

Regular Sales every Thursday- Ottawa Livestock Exchange @ 11:00 am with stockers starting at approximately 12:30 pm. Dates for special Stocker Sales and Bred Cow sales for the fall with be posted on their web site at www.ottawalivestockexchange.ca or by calling the Auction Market at 613-821-2634. Updates will be posted on this page as they become available.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind

Rainy River Cattlemen's Association

Sale Barn (week of sale): 807-483-5354
James Gibson: 807-487-2731 or807-271-2005
Email: kat-james2@hotmail.com

Sales will be available via DLMS Network - Please sign up and request to bid prior to the sale starting. Please use Chrome or Safari as your browser and make sure your computer is updated.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sept 7 8:30 am Stratton   Cows and bulls will start the sale at 8:00 am. Protocol cattle (Vaccinated Cattle) sell @ 1:00 pm- Majority are age verified.
Sept 28 8:30 am Stratton   Cows and bulls will start the sale at 8:00 am. Protocol cattle (Vaccinated Cattle) sell @ 1:00 pm- Majority are age verified.
Oct 19 8:30 am Stratton   Cows and bulls will start the sale at 8:00 am. Protocol cattle (Vaccinated Cattle) sell @ 1:00 pm- Majority are age verified.
Nov 2 8:00 am Stratton   Cows and bulls will start the sale at 8:00 am. Protocol cattle (Vaccinated Cattle) sell @ 1:00 pm- Majority are age verified.

Renfrew-Pontiac Livestock

Barn: 613-646-7335
Ben Dick - Cell: 613-602-7253
Matt Dick - Cell: 613-633-1598

Stocker sales will be held every Tuesday with the regular sale. Bred cow sales will be announced prior to sale and posted here as soon as info becomes available.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind

Temiskaming Livestock Exchange Ltd.

Bill Stewart: 705-647-5415 or 705-544-3508

Regular sales every Monday.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Oct 18 12:00 pm New Liskeard   Special Calf & Yearling Sale
Nov 1 12:00 pm New Liskeard   Bred Cow Sale

Thessalon Sale
sponsored by Algoma Co-operative Livestock Sales

Dennis Kirby: 705-842-5534

Stay connected with the Northern Cattle Sales Network on Facebook.

View cattle on offer at this upcoming sale or post pictures or descriptions of your own cattle that will be on sale at this sale on Facebook and advertise them free! Click on the Facebook link above to get started or if you have questions or need assistance email Gordon Mitchell - mitchg@vianet.ca or call him at 705-571-1033.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Sep 17 10:00 am Thessalon 1,000 Yearlings - Farm Fresh, 90 % Vaccinated- Farmers Lots & Commingled Lots.
Oct 19 10:00 am Thessalon 400 Calves- 60% Vaccinated, Sold In Farmer Lots
May 3, 2025 10:00 am Thessalon 350 Stockers- Farm Fresh, 50% Vaccinated, Sold In Farmer Lots

Wiarton- Grey-Bruce Livestock Co-operative

Terry Moser, President: 519-375-7957
Tom Cunningham: 226-668-4450
Website: www.greybrucelivestockcoop.ca

Stay connected with the Northern Cattle Sales Network on Facebook.

View cattle on offer at this upcoming sale or post pictures or descriptions of your own cattle that will be on sale at this sale on Facebook and advertise them free! Click on the Facebook link above to get started or if you have questions or need assistance email Gordon Mitchell - mitchg@vianet.on.ca or call him at 705-571-1033.

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Oct 31 10:00 am Wiarton 500+

Fall Calf Sale- 90% Vaccinated.

May 1, 2025 10:00 am Wiarton 500+ Stocker Sale- 90% Vaccinated

Vankleek Hill Livestock Exchange

Francois Tremblay: 613-678-3008

Scroll / swipe to see full table.

Date Time Location # Head Kind
Aug 28 1:00 pm Vankleek Hill   Stocker Sale
Sept 25 1:00pm Vankleek Hill   Stocker Sale
Oct 30 1:00 pm Vankleek Hill   Stocker Sale
Nov 27 1:00 pm Vankleek Hill   Stocker Sale