January 24, 2025 Stocker Sale Report
Sale date: January 24, 2025 Sales Barn-705-653-3660
Quinte Cattlemen's Association Stocker Sale -
At present the committed consigned numbers for the Jan, 24 Quinte Stocker Sale are just
slightly above 725 with the likelihood that our total will reach 850 - 900 by sale time.
This is a vaccinated sale which will have an offering of excellent quality. The vast majority
of the cattle have received a modified live vaccine with frequent added value immunizations
for Pasteurella, Blackleg, [sometimes including Somnus] and parasite control. The dominant
breed influences in the sale are Char/CharX and Angus/AngusX [both black and red] with
significant Limo and Simm presence, as well. There is a good distribution of weights from
450 through to 950/ 1000 lb. Many consignors are prepared to guarantee their heifers to
be open and there is a significant number of double moved cattle. Approximately half of the
offering total at present is made up of larger one owner lots of 30+ [described in
more detail below] which should result in some larger ring lots.
[i]80 CharX heifers and steers in the 650 - 800 lb. range from a live vaccinated cowherd-
vaccinated in June with a live 5-way +Pasteurella, and Blackleg and a boost of the live
5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg + Somnus in Oct. - heifers are guaranteed to be open
and steers have been castrated surgically - fed wrapped hay -
[ii]70 [ approx 40 steers, 30 heifers] Black Angus calves in the 650 - 750 lb. range - vaccinated
with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and parasite control on Nov. 27 and parasite control
again on Dec. 27 - the heifers are guaranteed to be open, the steers have been castrated
surgically and the calves were all weaned on Dec. 10 - fed dry hay, wrapped hay, and 13%
pellets - calves were sired by high performance bulls -
[iii]47 [27 steers, 21 heifers] CharX calves in the 5 and 6 weight categories from a cowherd
that has had a 12 year live vaccinated protocol - vaccinated with a live 5-way vaccine and
given parasite control on Oct. 26- steers were banded at birth and all calves were weaned
on Oct. 12 - fed wrapped hay, corn silage and given a taste of 15% Vintage pellets -
[iv]35 [18 steers, 17 heifers] Simm/Angus and Simm calves in the 650 - 700 lb. range from
a live vaccinated cowherd - vaccinatede with a live 5-way + Pasteurella and Blackleg on
May 27, and again on Jan. 9 - parasite control as well on Jan. 9 - heifers are guaranteed to
be open and steers were banded at birth - fed wrapped hay, corn silage, 15% vintage
pellets and F/C salt and mineral - sired by high performance bulls -
[v]32 [24 steers, 8 heifers] Red Angus calves in the 6-700 lb. weight range from a vaccinated
cowherd - vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg +Somnus, and general parasite
control on Jan. 1 - steers got an additional lice control on Jan. 1 and heifers received it on
Jan. 16 - steers were banded at birth and all were weaned on Dec. 27 - fed dry hay, mixed grain
and pellets - sired by a high quality bull from original Lehman herd -
[vi]31 [17 steers, 14 heifers] Char/CharX calves in the 500-700 lb. weight range - vaccinated with a
live 5-way + Pasteurella, Blackleg, and given parasite control on Dec. 19 - heifers are guaranteed
to be open, steers were castrated surgically, and all are weaned - fed dry hay, wrapped hay, corn
silage, Lean + pellets and F/C salt and mineral -
[vii]30 [20 steers, 10 heifers] CharX calves in the 500 -700 lb. weight range from a vaccinated
cowherd - vaccinated for Blackleg in May and Oct. 12 -vaccinated with a live 5-way + Pasteurella
and given parasite control on Oct. 12 and again on Jan. 11.- steers were castrated surgically on
Oct. 12 and all were weaned on Nov. 2 - fed wrapped hay, 16% pellets and whole corn -
[viii]30 double moved heifers and steers in 900-1000 lb. weight range - heifers are guaranteed to
be open and steers are guaranteed to be properly castrated - all have been vaccinated with
modified live vaccine - bunk adjusted and fed with TMR -
For further information, please feel welcome to contact Dave DeNure [705 653 3660 or email
daveyd@xplornet.com] or Brad DeNure [705 653 8763 or email braddenure@gmail.com] or
Denton Meiklejohn [613 395 2008 or fax 613 395 0028 or email dentlynnefarms@yahoo.ca ].
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