Computerized Auction Market Reports
Updated daily by the Beef Farmers of Ontario.
*All prices are per hundred weight unless noted otherwise.
View the Ontario 2025 Spring Stocker Sale Listing
Aylmer Stockyards Inc.
Brussels Livestock
Denfield Livestock Exhange
Embrun Livestock Exchange
Hoard's Station Sale Barn
Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn Inc.
Keady Livestock Market Ltd.
Maple Hill Auctions Ltd.
Ottawa Livestock Exchange
Formerly Leo's Livestock Exchange Ltd
Ontario Livestock Exchange - OLEX
Ontario Stockyards Inc. - OSI
Rainy River
Renfrew Pontiac Livestock
Temiskaming Livestock Exchange
Non-computerized Auction Market Reports
Updated when sale results are received.
*All prices are per hundred weight unless noted otherwise.
Cargill Auction Market- Special Stocker Sales
Carson Farms & Auction Services Ltd.
Listowel Livestock Ltd
Thessalon-Algoma Co-op Livestock Sales
Wiarton- Grey Bruce Livestock Co-op
Information herein is based on data provided by auction markets that agreed to participate in the collection of live cattle sales data. BFO collects and distributes the data as it is received but BFO does not guarantee the reliability of the data and cannot confirm that prices and/or statistics involved represent a full picture of the markets. BFO associates and directors of BFO and suppliers of data herein assume no responsibility or liability for any action taken as a result of any information contained in these reports, and any action taken is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. The information is made public as a service to the beef farmers of Ontario.