About the Program

The Farm to City model was created to capitalize on the market demand for locally produced food. The intent is to establish a direct-to-consumer business model for beef farmers looking to connect with urban consumers who are in search of locally sourced protein.
How It Works
Orders will be placed for individual cuts of fresh beef and paid for in advance through a secure website, and the farmer maintains regularly scheduled drop site locations. A major benefit of this business model for the farmer is the ability to plan production and create time saving efficiencies. With a pre-order system, the farmer will know in advance which cuts and quantity of cuts to prepare, package and deliver, including profit details. A major benefit of this model for the customer is a reliable and convenient source of fresh beef with the added benefit of connecting directly with the farmer on a regular basis.
This business model will bridge the gap between farmers, processors and urban customers. A communications strategy could include the use of social media, recipes, cooking advice and farm visit days. The interaction through the delivery service will also allow for meaningful dialogue and feedback between farmer and customer.
A Beef Farmer's Handbook to Direct Marketing through the Farm to City Model
A handbook has been developed to equip beef farmers with the basic knowledge and resources to assist them in deciding if direct marketing beef is a potential business opportunity for their farm business. Hard copies of the handbook are available. If interested, please contact the BFO office.
Download the HandbookDigital marketing for small farms
In today’s world, the truth is that almost every business needs an online presence. However, for many farmers (and small business owners in general), digital marketing does not come naturally. It may be confusing, feel pushy, or just be hard to make it a priority. With all the trends and buzzwords, it can be a challenge to filter out the noise and focus on the ways that digital marketing can work for you. In fact, the good news for small farms, local food producers and market vendors is that some of the most common digital marketing tools, like email newsletters and social media, are ideally suited to your business in many ways
DOWNLOAD THE HANDBOOKInterested in a Demo?
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