Verified Beef Production Plus


Canada’s beef farmers take great pride in their animals, their operations, the environment and the product they raise. The Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) program provides producers the opportunity to tell consumers and retailers their story with transparency and credibility.

The VBP+ program was developed by the cattle sector, for the cattle sector. It is meant to be simple, practical and trusted. It is a food safety-based program that is designed on the principles of an international quality control program called Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). It is recognized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and is now a certification body for the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB). The Certified Sustainable Program currently offered through Cargill Guelph, provides financial credits to producers along the supply chain who have been audited by either VBP+ or Ontario Corn Fed Beef Quality Assurance (OCFBQA) as the CRSB certification body. For cattle to be eligible for financial credits through the Cargill Certified Sustainable Program, they must be raised their whole life on farms that have been audited, they must be age verified, and their movements from farm to farm must be traced. To learn more about age verification and chain of custody requirements with CCIA, please click here.

The certified sustainable supply chain enables consumer-facing sustainability claims, and makes it clear to consumers that they are purchasing Certified Sustainable Beef (CSB), all while showcasing the Canadian beef industry’s dedication to transparency. There is growing demand for CSB as retailers and food service providers like McDonald’s, Walmart, Chop Steakhouse and Bar, Gordon Foodservice, Loblaws, and Harvey’s are all sourcing a portion of their beef with the CSB claim. To meet this growing demand, more Ontario cattle need to be enrolled in certified on-farm quality assurance programs.

Quality Assurance Rebate Incentive Program

Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO), in partnership with the Joint Marketing Committee, a partnership between BFO and the Ontario Cattle Feeders’ Association, are currently offering an Ontario Beef Quality Assurance Rebate Incentive Program, which provides BFO check-off paying members with a 100 per cent rebate on first time VBP+ audit fees paid by members who become certified through the completion of training, and an on-farm audit. For producers renewing their VBP+ audit, BFO will provide a rebate of 75 per cent on audit fees.

The goal of the incentive program is to improve the supply of Ontario certified sustainable calves for Ontario certified sustainable feedlots, encourage enrollment and support in quality assurance programming (a key component of the Ontario Beef Market Development strategy), and to help offset VBP+ audit costs for our members.

As always, Ontario feedlots also have the option to be certified under the OCFBQA through the completion of training, assessments and an on-farm audit.

Steps to Become VBP+ Certified

Upcoming Virtual Training Date


If you would like more details or are interested in other training dates, contact Jaclyn.