To advertise in Ontario Beef magazine, please review the info below.
LeaAnne Wurmli, Editor
Beef Farmers of Ontario
130 Malcolm Road
Guelph, Ontario N1K 1B1
Phone: 519.824.0334
Fax: 519.824.9101
Email: info@ontariobeef.com
Advertising Enquiries, Reservations & Material
Cathy Lasby, Advertising Manager
Preferred Agri-Marketing Services
188 Nicklin Road
Guelph, Ontario N1H 7L5
Phone: 519.763.8833
Fax: 519.763.8833
Email: pams@sentex.net
BOOKING Deadlines
February: January 10
May: April 15
August: July 15
October: September 15
December: November 15
Livestock Rates
For livestock rates please contact our Advertising Manager, Cathy Lasby.
Commercial Rates
Size | 1X | 3X | 5X |
Full Page | $2,495 | $2,415 | $2,335 |
2/3 Page | $2,050 | $1,980 | $1,915 |
½ Island | $2,000 | $1,935 | $1,870 |
1/2 Page | $1,795 | $1,740 | $1,680 |
1/3 Page | $1,520 | $1,475 | $1,425 |
1/4 Page | $1,350 | $1,305 | $1,275 |
1/6 Page | $1,270 | $1,230 | $1,190 |
Please note:
HST will be added to the above advertising rates.
Position Charge
Preferred guaranteed - plus 25%
Plus 25% (on space)
Business Card Rate
1" x 2 1/4": Only $179.00 paid in advance for all five issues!
15% discount to recognized advertising agencies.
Insert Size | Price |
Single sheet – one sided | rate plus 20% |
Single sheet – double sided | rate per page |
Four pages | rate less 20% |
Eight pages | rate less 30% |
Outserts and polybagging available.
Scroll / swipe to see full table.
Mechanical Requirements (in inches) | Width | Depth |
Type Page | 7 1/4" | 10 1/16" |
Trim Size | 8 1/4" | 10 7/8" |
Bleed Size | 8 3/4" | 11 1/4" |
2/3 Page Vertical | 4 3/4" | 10 1/16" |
2/3 Page Horizontal | 7 1/4" | 6 1/2" |
1/2 Page island | 4 3/4" | 7 1/8" |
1/2 Page Horizontal | 7 1/4" | 4 7/8" |
1/2 Page Vertical | 3 1/2" | 10 1/16" |
1/3 Page Vertical | 2 1/4" | 10 1/16" |
1/3 Page Horizontal | 7 1/4" | 3 1/4" |
1/3 Page Square | 4 3/4" | 4 3/4" |
1/4 Page Vertical | 3 1/2" | 4 7/8" |
1/4 Page Horizontal | 7 1/4" | 2 1/2" |
1/6 Page Vertical | 2 3/8" | 5" |
1/6 Page Horizontal | 4 3/4 | 2 1/2 |
Saddle Stitch
Electronic Files
- Ads can be supplied and emailed to Prism Studios Design.
- Ads must correspond to the size specified on the Ontario Beef ad rate sheet. A charge applies to any ads which need to be resized.
- Preferred format for ads are PDF files. Note that PDF files must be high resolution with embedded fonts and created using graphic design software (not MS Word).
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of advertising in a particular issue must be made by written notice and received at the office of the Beef Farmers of Ontario prior to final advertising closing date. A fee will be charged for cancellation of 3x and 5x contracts. All advertising copy subject to publisher's approval.
BFO Policy on External Sponsorship Including Advertising Space
BFO does not solicit or accept sponsorships or requests for advertising space from businesses or organizations whose practices, policies or operations, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, do not align with the core values of BFO.
Sponsors that are supportive of beef production and Ontario beef farmers will be given preference for advertising space.
BFO reserves the right to refuse advertising space applications submitted by businesses, organizations or groups that do not meet the above criteria, in the opinion of the Board of Directors or a board-appointed Sponsorship Evaluation Committee.
BFO appoints directors to a Sponsorship Evaluation Committee to evaluate applications for advertising space in BFO publications. Prospective sponsors are encouraged to submit a document providing background on their organization for the Committee to use during its evaluation.