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Investment in Ontario’s Risk Management Program Top of Mind for Beef Farmers - NDP Election Platform

February 26, 2025

Open Letter to the New Democratic Party of Ontario

The Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO) and its members would like to thank the New Democratic Party of Ontario for your platform commitment to completely removing the cap from the Risk Management Program RMP), ensuring government has the tools it needs to protect Ontario farmers and the jobs we support.

BFO and its allied members of the Ontario Agriculture Sustainability Coalition (OASC) have been promoting increased investment into RMP for several years.

Designed as a partnership between the province and non-supply managed farmers, RMP is a cost-shared insurance program that helps stabilize farm operations by providing insurance for farmers against market volatility and production risks. Ontario farmers who are enrolled in the program, contribute 35 per cent of the costs through annual insurance premiums.

For several years, Ontario farmers, represented by the non-supply managed commodities and through the work of OASC, have been unified in their request for the province to increase its investment in RMP by raising the program cap from $150 million to $250 million annually to ensure farmers have the tools to manage today’s food production risks.


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