Member Benefits
To support its members, industry sustainability and encourage growth in the province, BFO is focused on developing initiatives and supportive policies for new and existing beef farmers from the cow-calf sector through to our industry partners in the processing sector. As farmers themselves, the leadership of the association is motivated to make responsible decisions for the betterment of the entire Ontario beef sector.
BFO provides support, leadership, information and education to Ontario’s beef farmers, and acts as the collective voice of farmers to industry, government, media and the general public. BFO is actively engaged in a range of issues and supports its membership in the following ways:
- Proactive policy monitoring and analysis of issues related to the beef and broader agri-food industry
- Support, dissemination and extension of beef research and development initiatives
- Advocacy activities in support of Ontario beef issues and priorities
- Market information and analysis
- Domestic and export market development
- Programs and initiatives that support:
- producer engagement, education, and leadership
- consumer and public engagement
- industry development, sustainability, and growth
- Targeted and strategic communications through various mediums
- Complimentary subscription to Ontario Beef magazine
For a complete look at how BFO has supported its members over the last decade, view our Report Cards below:
The Beef Farmers of Ontario’s Constitution & Bylaws states that any person who has paid a BFO licence fee deduction (check-off) or an annual membership fee is a member of the association. Farmers are also encouraged to seek membership in their local affiliated county or district branch.
As described in the BFO Constitution & Bylaws:
Only the following type of individual is eligible to become, and remain as, a Member:
- An individual who is a bona-fide cattle producer who is actively engaged in the raising of cattle.
An individual shall become a Member as follows:
(a) any individual who applies to become a Member, who is qualified to become a Member, and who has paid a license fee to the Association, personally, pursuant to the Beef Cattle Marketing Act (BCMA) at any time during the twenty-four (24) months before the date of the membership application, shall be accepted as a Member;
(b) any individual who applies to become a Member, who is qualified to become a Member, and has paid a license fee to the Association, on behalf of a farm owned by such individual, pursuant to the BCMA at any time during the twenty-four (24) months before the date of the membership application, shall be accepted as a Member;
(c) any individual who applies to become a Member, and who is qualified to become a Member, but has not paid a license fee, personally or on behalf of a farm, to the Association during the twenty-four (24) months before the date of the membership application, but whose spouse or partner has paid a license fee during such twenty-four (24) month period, in either the spouse’s name or in the name of the farm owned by the spouse, shall be accepted as a Member upon payment to the Association of a $25.00 membership fee; and
(d) any individual who applies to become a Member, and who is qualified to become a Member, but has marketed cattle only in such a manner as to be exempt from payment of license fees under the BCMA during the twenty-four (24) months before the date of the membership application, shall be accepted as a Member upon payment to the Association of a $75.00 membership fee.